February 26 - March 1, 2024


This last week we talked about things that we can create. There was opportunity to try out writing a story, building a bookshelf, decorating our names, and trying out dancing. This week allowed for lots of time outside and many fun activities inside.

New theme: I Move. This week there will be exploration in different ways we can move and how we move. Some of the things we will do are move beads with tweezers, trace our hands, build zigzag paths and write in sand. There will also be a small emphasis on Dr. Seuss and some of his reading material. The children have been introduced to a YouTube video called “Green Eggs and Ham” by the Learning Station. They really like it. Try finding it and let them “teach” you how to do it.


February 29 Disco Dress Day

March 6 Backwards Dress Day

March 11 Transportation Station – 4K Family Outreach 4-5:30

March 12 Celebrate England (wear red, white, and blue)

March 18-22 Spring Break – No School

March 29 No School


February 13 Eli

March 21 Caleb

Transportation Station

On March 11 4K will have an out reach event for the whole family. It is open house style. Please come and see what we are learning about transportation. There will be several stations to do activities with your child(ren). We hope to see you there.

Winter Clothing

Looks like our weather is going to go a bit crazy please keep an eye on it and dress your children accordingly.

Just a reminder that children still need to have coat, hat and mittens if the feels like temperature is less than 50. Also, when it snows again they will need their boots and snow pants. Thank you for making sure that they have what they need.

Spring Conferences

I have sent out a Conference Preference sheet. Please fill it out and send it back. Thank you to all those who already have returned their preference. I look forward to getting the rest by Tuesday.

Boston School Forest

On April 16 4K will be going to the Boston School Forest. Students will go during their class period. We will leave as soon as we start class and return just before class time ends. If you are interested in volunteering we would love to have you. You would have to fill out a volunteer form for Canaland ahead of time. Please let me know if you want to attend.

February Activity Calendar

The February Activity Calendar is pink. Please work some of the activities with your child, and send the calendar back by March 7.

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